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Top 3 Questions answered to get your Thanskgiving Turkey ready to cook

Although cooking a turkey may look notoriously easy to make, it can also make a good cook lose their cool. But if you work on it one step at a time, you will beyond doubt land up with the turkey you will enjoy with your guests. If you however want to do a tandoori chicken online order from our restaurant instead, you can always do that as a plan B.

What kind of Turkey to buy?

Whether it is your first Thanksgiving event or you are doing it a bit milder this time, either ways, you will need to get the right size and quality which needs to be done a few weeks in advance. If you wish to have it for lesser guests, you can always just go in for the breast instead of the entire bird.

How much should you thaw the bird before cooking?

One of the easiest ways we’ve seen to thaw a turkey is to leave it for every 24 hours for each pound. You can also refrigerate the turkey and later put in the roasting pan to ensure the drips are not wasted while it thaws. As soon as you start seeing drumsticks wiggle out in its sockets, or the cavity losses its frost, you can consider it thawed. You may end up thawing the turkey 2-3 days before the event to ensure you have enough time to prepare it.

How to brine the Turkey?

To ensure that the roast turkey comes out juicy as well as flavorful you must brine the bird. You will need 2-3 days for this and remember that a dry brine becomes much easier for setting up rather than a wet one. Just ensure you use the right amount and quality of salt.

With these three steps, you are now ready to stuff the turkey and get it cooking in the oven. Enjoy the meal with this freshly cooked turkey. If you wish to order one or want to dine at our restaurant and enjoy some other Indian tandoor dishes like tandoori chicken or an authentic Indian food platter, just connect with us on